Fire Windows are typically used to protect openings close to boundaries. In addition to -/60/- automatic closing fire shutters, National Construction Code (NCC) Clause C3.4 permits the use of -/60/- automatic closing fire windows and -/60/30 glazed fire doors as an acceptable construction method for this application. We call all these methods of protection “Boundary Control”.
Fire Windows provide the optimal solution for Boundary Control, allowing maximum light into the building while also providing a neat unobtrusive finish. Our Stopline and Autofire range of window and door systems comply with the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) provisions of NCC Clause C3.4, providing a cost effective and value added solution to many buildings including multistorey residential and office buildings.

0413 808 810
Mon to Fri – 8am to 5pm only
AH service available for approved customers.
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